Thursday, November 19, 2009

Three Color Block Prints are Amazing!!

The Art 1 Class has completed the exciting and challenging task of creating a three-color block print! They used organic and geometric shapes, rich color combinations, and a variety of marks on the block to develop exciting images. 
The hard part was to make each of the three printings "match up"- Wonderful job!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The ultimate collection of decorative designs!


What a wonderful place to get ideas! Here's a digital version of the ultimate book of ornamental designs..... Owen Jones' book "The Grammar of Ornament" (1910)
a great place to get ideas for your own work!

Here is the link....

Object Obsession!!!

Let's look at where creative ideas come from..... often by LOOKING at objects from our surroundings. Looking closely, and recording what we find with sketches, creates a collection of images,shapes and forms we can use in creating ART!!

This project lets you choose an object and OBSESSSSSSS over it! Draw, paint, use marker, cut/paste - any way to record what you notice about the thing!!!

We will use these discoveries in creating a three - color BLOCK PRINT!!